High yield optimization refers to the process of maximizing the output or productivity of a system, process, or investment while minimizing waste, cost, or resources expended. This concept is commonly applied in various fields, including manufacturing, agriculture, finance, and engineering, among others. The goal of high yield optimization is to achieve the highest possible return or output relative to the resources invested or utilized.
- Sensitivity to tolerances is a well-known problem in optical design.
- CAXCAD allow user to reduce general tolerance sensitivity to improve the manufacturability of the optimized lens
- The SSN2 is as the “sensitivity” parameter to the merit function.
The Lens Layout
This is a singlet with conic and even asphere and spot size has been optimized
Open the High Yield SSN2 sample file
We use 10 rays to control the spot size
We can find the High Yield item with SSN2 in the Merit Function.
The SSN2 for surface 2 shows that 0.1499 value and it is biggest one, the zero value from SSN2 is our High Yield tagret.
NOTE: The range of SSN2 values is from 0 to 1, with smaller numbers representing less sensitive surfaces.
DLS Optimization with SSN2
The shapes of lens show that both of the surfaces get the nearly power.
The SSN2 for surface 2 and surface 3 are both good.
We can also decrease the weight to get better performance.
The SSN2 can also work with global optimization.
The Merit Function with new SSN2 weight
We got the same Sensitivity to tolerances, but better spot size performance