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CAXCAD 2021-04-26 Update has been released:
- Wavefront Map supports the Surface Plot and Surface Color
- Vignetting has been updated to speed up and it can be working with Ray Aiming
- The Aiming Buffer to speed up the ray tracing with no iterative.
- 2D Layout has been updated and the 3D Layout supports the rotation and multi-configuration
- Analysis features support the wavelength weight
- Support calculation for the non-axial surface diameter and the semi-diameter
- The WFNO has been updated to support non-axial system
- The FFT PSF supports the multi-wavelength
- The color bar has been added to the PSF with false color
- The PSF supports the Surface Plot and Surface Color
- The new merit funciton operand MF-STRH has been added by usting FFT PSF to optimize .
- The FFT MTF now support multi-wavelength
- The core tolerance operands has been added